Lifejacket Clinic organised by the RNLI Dart Sea Safety team

RNLI Dart Lifeboat Station, Coronation Park, Dartmouth
Saturday, 14 April 2018
10:00am - 3:00pm
Photo: John Fenton RNLI Dart LPO
One hundred and twenty four lifejackets were checked to confirm that the firing mechanism was still serviceable and that the jackets held their inflation.

Ocean Safety checked 124 lifejackets and only three had to be condemned. Darthaven Marina Chandlery was there to sell new lifejackets and any parts required.

When the first clinic was run some seven years ago the total of lifejackets brought that were unsafe and beyond economical repair was over 30%. As the unserviceable jackets have been removed from circulation over the years the percentage has now fallen dramatically.
It is good to see many children on the river wearing lifejackets. Sometimes the ratio is higher than the number worn by adults. However only 9 children’s jackets were brought for checking last year

It was a particularly busy day as the Head of the River race was also taking place. The lifeboat crew were on the water training for six and a half hours and were called out four times.

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Station address

RNLI Dart Lifeboat Station
Coronation Park
North Embankment
Devon TQ6 9RR

Contacting the Station

The station is unmanned. Find contact details for each member of the RNLI Dart team here.

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Visitor Centre address

RNLI Visitor Centre
9 South Embankment (Ground Floor)
Devon TQ6 9BH

Visitor Centre phone number

01803 832423

Visitor Centre opening hours

The shop is now open from 11am to 3pm. on Monday, Thursday and Saturday and from 11am to 1pm on Tuesday and Wednesdays. After closing on Saturday 4 December the VC will be closed until the start of half term week in Feb 2022.

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