All 3 boats were out for training and Dart's Lifeboat Operations Manager Mark Strudwick saw an opportunity for a photo call. Not that they were racing but it has to be said that the little D-Class is a feisty bit of kit!
Today, 18 August 2020, Dart Lifeboat station took delivery of an Atlantic 85 Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) which has come after a successful two year trial to determine the effectiveness of a second lifeboat in the river Dart. Approval was granted by RNLI Trustees earlier this year to replace the aging trials boat, an Atlantic 75 with the larger, more modern and capable Atlantic 85. The new boat features an additional 4th crew seat, as well as an integrated communications system, radar and direction-finding equipment to enhance its Search and Rescue capability, along with advanced navigation systems. Powered by powerful twin 115hp four stroke engines, the lifeboat is also faster and more economical than its predecessor, and is also friendlier to the environment.
Dart Lifeboat crew will be undertaking numerous training evolutions over the coming weeks to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the operation of this very capable craft, and the boat will finally go on service later this autumn once the supporting infrastructure is in place.
The photo by John Fenton, RNLI Dart LPO, shows B825 Norma Ethel Vinall, in Dartmouth harbour this morning. There are additional photos of the event in the photo gallery on this web site.
Nigel Jones. S Devon Area Lifesaving Manager